Guide to Space

Is There Water on Saturn?

Saturn is almost entirely hydrogen and helium, but it does have trace amounts of other chemicals, including water. When we…

16 years ago

Seasons on Saturn

Like Earth, Saturn's axis is tilted relative to the Sun's equator - 27-degrees on Saturn, compared to 23-degrees for Earth.…

16 years ago

Temperature of Saturn

It's almost impossible to say what is the temperature of Saturn. The highest cloud tops, right at the edge of…

16 years ago

What Color is Saturn?

Even through a small telescope, Saturn takes on a beautiful pale yellow with hints of orange. With a more powerful…

16 years ago

Density of Saturn

Saturn has the lowest density of all the planets in the Solar System. The actual number is 0.687 grams per…

16 years ago

How Long Does it Take to Get to Saturn?

How long does it take to get to Saturn? That is a great question that happens to have several answers.…

16 years ago

How Far is Saturn from Earth?

[/caption] The answer to ''how far is Saturn from Earth'' has a different answer every day. As the planets move…

16 years ago

Diameter of Saturn

Saturn has an equatorial diameter of 120,536 km, 9.44 times that of Earth. That makes it the second largest planet…

16 years ago

How Long is a Year on Saturn?

It takes Saturn 10,832 Earth days to complete one orbit around the Sun. That means the answer to ''how long…

16 years ago

Does Saturn Have a Solid Core?

Scientist know that Saturn is made up of 96% hydrogen and 3% helium with a few other elements thrown in.…

16 years ago