Guide to Space

How Big is Mars?

[/caption]Planet Mars' Olympus Mons holds the record for the tallest known peak in the entire Solar System. Having a height…

15 years ago

Dwarf Star

[/caption] A dwarf star is a star that is not a giant or supergiant … in other words, a dwarf…

15 years ago

How Are Rocks Formed?

As a terrestrial planet, Earth is divided into layers based on their chemical and rheological properties. And whereas its interior…

15 years ago

Artificial Satellites

[/caption] Artificial satellites are human-built objects orbiting the Earth and other planets in the Solar System. This is different from…

15 years ago

Life of a Star

Stars are kind of like people. They're born, they live their lives, and then they die. Let's take a look…

15 years ago

How are Clouds Formed?

[/caption]I bet some of you are fascinated with certain cloud formations. My eldest son once pointed to the sky, excited…

15 years ago

Mars Exploration Rover

[/caption] One of the most successful mission ever sent to Mars is the Mars Exploration Rover program, with the two…

15 years ago

Mars Pathfinder

[/caption] Mars Pathfinder was NASA mission to Mars, which launched on December 4th, 1996 and landed on the surface of…

15 years ago

What Color is Venus?

Here's a question: what color is Venus? With the unaided eye, Venus just looks like a very bright star in…

15 years ago

Who Discovered Saturn?

[/caption] Were you wondering who discovered Saturn? Well, nobody knows. Here's the problem. Saturn is one of the 5 planets…

15 years ago