Extrasolar Planets

Planet Discovered with Only 3 Times the Mass of the Earth

Most of the planets found to date have been massive and orbiting their parent stars at a fraction the orbit…

16 years ago

Exoplanet Count Rises With New Discoveries

With several space- and ground-based telescopes, as well as dedicated space missions searching for exoplanets, or planets orbiting other stars,…

16 years ago

How to Detect Watery Worlds Around Other Stars

If you want to know what a watery world might look like orbiting another star, just observe our own planet...…

16 years ago

Another (Better) Opportunity to Send Your Name to Space

It's a great idea, so all the missions might as well join in. Earlier today, Ian reported on how the…

16 years ago

How Big Do Planets Get?

Question: How Big Can Planets Get? Answer: Here in the Solar System, we have three kinds of planets: the inner…

16 years ago

Why Haven’t Planets Been Detected Around Alpha Centauri?

Question: Why aren't astronomers looking for planets around nearby stars like Alpha Centauri? Answer: That's a great question. Since Alpha…

16 years ago

Using Laser Combs to Find Exoplanets

We've run a couple of articles recently about new techniques to find Earth-like extra-solar planets. Here's one more, but this…

16 years ago

New Search Technique May Lead to Discovery of Extra-solar Earth-Like Planets

The Holy Grail in the search for extra-solar planets would be to find an Earth-like world orbiting another star. A…

16 years ago

SuperWASP are Super Planet-Finding Observatories

The United Kingdom’s Wide Area Search for Planets, known as SuperWASP consists of two 8-camera robotic observatories that cover both…

16 years ago

Planet Formation Revealed?

One of the biggest unresolved questions of planet formation is how a thick disc of debris and gas surrounding young…

16 years ago