Newly Discovered Cometary Route Sneaks Past Jupiter, but Decreases Risk of Earth Impacts

Astronomers have used the comet record — including 2001 RX14 (Linear) at left, captured in 2002 by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey — to model a new route for incoming comets that sneaks past Jupiter’s gravity.

The pathway might even be the dominant one that delivers Oort Could comets on an Earth-bound trajectory, say the authors of a new study in Science this week — but if that’s true, comets only rarely cause extinctions on Earth.

(Image credit: Mike Solontoi/University of Washington)

Scientists have debated how many mass extinction events in Earth’s history were triggered by a space body crashing into the planet’s surface. Most agree that an asteroid collision 65 million years ago brought an end to the age of dinosaurs, but there is uncertainty about how many other extinctions might have resulted from asteroid or comet collisions with Earth.

In fact, astronomers know the inner solar system has been protected at least to some degree by Saturn and Jupiter, whose gravitational fields can eject comets into interstellar space or sometimes send them crashing into the giant planets. That point was reinforced last week (July 20) when a huge scar appeared on Jupiter’s surface, likely evidence of a comet impact.

There are about 3,200 known long-period comets, which can take anywhere from 200 to tens of millions of years to orbit the Sun. Among the best-remembered is Hale-Bopp, which was easily visible to the naked eye for much of 1996 and 1997 and was one of the brightest comets of the 20th century.

It has been believed that nearly all long-period comets that move inside Jupiter to Earth-crossing trajectories originated in the outer Oort Cloud, a remnant of the nebula from which the solar system formed 4.5 billion years ago. It begins about 93 billion miles from the sun (1,000 times Earth’s distance from the sun) and stretches to about three light years away (a light year is about 5.9 trillion miles). The Oort Cloud could contain billions of comets, most so small and distant as to never be observed.

The orbits of long-period comets can change when they are nudged by the gravity of a neighboring star as it passes close to the solar system, and it was thought such encounters only affect very distant outer Oort Cloud bodies.

It also was believed that inner Oort Cloud bodies could reach Earth-crossing orbits only during the rare close passage of a star, which would cause a comet shower. But it turns out that even without a star encounter, long-period comets from the inner Oort Cloud can slip past the protective barrier posed by the presence of Jupiter and Saturn and travel a path that crosses Earth’s orbit.

In the new research, University of Washington astronomers Nathan Kaib and Thomas Quinn used computer models to simulate the evolution of comet clouds in the solar system for 1.2 billion years. They found that even outside the periods of comet showers, the inner Oort Cloud was a major source of long-period comets that eventually cross Earth’s path.

By assuming the inner Oort Cloud as the only source of long-period comets, they were able to estimate the highest possible number of comets in the inner Oort Cloud. The actual number is not known. But by using the maximum number possible, they determined that no more than two or three comets could have struck Earth during what is believed to be the most powerful comet shower of the last 500 million years.

“For the past 25 years, the inner Oort Cloud has been considered a mysterious, unobserved region of the solar system capable of providing bursts of bodies that occasionally wipe out life on Earth,” Quinn said. “We have shown that comets already discovered can actually be used to estimate an upper limit on the number of bodies in this reservoir.”

With three major impacts taking place nearly simultaneously, it had been proposed that the minor extinction event about 40 million years ago resulted from a comet shower. Kaib and Quinn’s research implies that if that relatively minor extinction event was caused by a comet shower, then that was probably the most-intense comet shower since the fossil record began.

“That tells you that the most powerful comet showers caused minor extinctions and other showers should have been less severe, so comet showers are probably not likely causes of mass extinction events,” Kaib said.

He noted that the work assumes the area surrounding the solar system has remained relatively unchanged for the last 500 million years, but it is unclear whether that is really the case. It is clear, though, that Earth has benefited from having Jupiter and Saturn standing guard like giant catchers mitts, deflecting or absorbing comets that might otherwise strike Earth.

“We show that Jupiter and Saturn are not perfect and some of the comets from the inner Oort Cloud are able to leak through. But most don’t,” Kaib said.

Source: Science and Eurekalert. The paper appears online today at the Science Express website.

Sub-surface Oceans In Early Comets Suggest Possible Origin of Life

A view of NASA's Deep Impact probe colliding with comet Tempel 1, captured by the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft's high-resolution instrument.


A new study claims early comets contained vast interior oceans of liquid water that may have provided the ideal conditions for early life to form.

In a paper published in the International Journal of Astrobiology, Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe and his colleagues at the Cardiff Centre for Astrobiology suggest the watery environment of early comets, together with the vast quantity of organics already discovered in comets, would have provided ideal conditions for primitive bacteria to grow and multiply during the first 1 million years of a comet’s life.

The Cardiff team has calculated the thermal history of comets after they formed from interstellar and interplanetary dust approximately 4.5 billion years ago. The formation of the solar system itself is thought to have been triggered by shock waves that emanated from the explosion of a nearby supernova. The supernova injected radioactive material such as Aluminium-26 into the primordial solar system and some became incorporated in the comets. Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe together with Drs Janaki Wickramasinghe and Max Wallis claim that the heat emitted from radioactivity warms initially frozen material of comets to produce subsurface oceans that persist in a liquid condition for a million years.

Professor Wickramasinghe said: “These calculations, which are more exhaustive than any done before, leaves little doubt that a large fraction of the 100 billion comets in our solar system did indeed have liquid interiors in the past.

Comets in recent times could also liquefy just below their surfaces as they approach the inner solar system in their orbits. Evidence of recent melting has been discovered in recent pictures of comet Tempel 1 taken by the “Deep Impact” probe in 2005.”

The existence of liquid water in comets gives added support for a possible connection between life on Earth and comets. The theory, known as cometary panspermia, pioneered by Chandra Wickramasinghe and the late Sir Fred Hoyle argues the case that life was introduced to Earth by comets.

Source: University of Cardiff

1908 Tunguska Event Caused by Comet, New Research Reveals

Fallen trees from the Tunguska Event in 1908.

The 1908 Tunguska event has always been mysterious and intriguing because no one has been able to fully explain the explosion that leveled 830 square miles of Siberian forest. But the latest research has concluded that the Tunguska explosion was almost certainly caused by a comet entering the Earth’s atmosphere. And how researcher Michael Kelly from Cornell University came to that conclusion is quite interesting: He analyzed the space shuttle’s exhaust plume and noctilucent clouds.

“It’s almost like putting together a 100-year-old murder mystery,” said Kelley, a professor of Engineering, who led the research team. “The evidence is pretty strong that the Earth was hit by a comet in 1908.” Previous speculation had ranged from comets to meteors.

Noctilucent clouds are brilliant, night-visible clouds made of ice particles and only form at very high altitudes and in extremely cold temperatures. These clouds appeared a day after the Tunguska explosion and also appear following a shuttle mission.

The researchers contend that the massive amount of water vapor spewed into the atmosphere by the 1908 comet’s icy nucleus was caught up in swirling eddies with tremendous energy by a process called two-dimensional turbulence, which explains why the noctilucent clouds formed a day later many thousands of miles away.

Noctilucent clouds over Saimaa. Credit: Wikipedia
Noctilucent clouds over Saimaa. Credit: Wikipedia

Noctilucent clouds are the Earth’s highest clouds, forming naturally in the mesosphere at about 55 miles over the polar regions during the summer months when the mesosphere is around minus 180 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 117 degrees Celsius).

The space shuttle exhaust plume, the researchers say, resembled the comet’s action. A single space shuttle flight injects 300 metric tons of water vapor into the Earth’s thermosphere, and the water particles have been found to travel to the Arctic and Antarctic regions, where they form the clouds after settling into the mesosphere.

Kelley and collaborators saw the noctilucent cloud phenomenon days after the space shuttle Endeavour (STS-118) launched on Aug. 8, 2007. Similar cloud formations had been observed following launches in 1997 and 2003.

Artist impression of the Tunguska event.
Artist impression of the Tunguska event.

Following the Tunguska Event, the night skies shone brightly for several days across Europe, particularly Great Britain — more than 3,000 miles away. Kelley said he became intrigued by the historical eyewitness accounts of the aftermath, and concluded that the bright skies must have been the result of noctilucent clouds. The comet would have started to break up at about the same altitude as the release of the exhaust plume from the space shuttle following launch. In both cases, water vapor was injected into the atmosphere.
The scientists have attempted to answer how this water vapor traveled so far without scattering and diffusing, as conventional physics would predict.

“There is a mean transport of this material for tens of thousands of kilometers in a very short time, and there is no model that predicts that,” Kelley said. “It’s totally new and unexpected physics.”

This “new” physics, the researchers contend, is tied up in counter-rotating eddies with extreme energy. Once the water vapor got caught up in these eddies, the water traveled very quickly — close to 300 feet per second.

Scientists have long tried to study the wind structure in these upper regions of the atmosphere, which is difficult to do by such traditional means as sounding rockets, balloon launches and satellites, explained Charlie Seyler, Cornell professor of electrical engineering and paper co-author.

“Our observations show that current understanding of the mesosphere-lower thermosphere region is quite poor,” Seyler said. The thermosphere is the layer of the atmosphere above the mesosphere.

Read the team’s paper.

Source: NewsWise

Ice on the Moon? NASA, ISRO May Collaborate to Find Out

Maps of the lunar poles from the Clementine mission. Credit: NASA

The debate has endured since the early 1960’s: could there be water ice hiding in deep, dark craters near the Moon’s poles, left untouched by sunlight? Several spacecraft orbiting the moon have tried to peer into these craters to find out, but so far no definitive data has been obtained either way. But now NASA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) are looking to team up two spacecraft to try and answer the question once and for all. “When it happens, it is going to be a unique experiment and will be the first of its kind,” said Dr. Mylswamy Annadurai, project director for the Chandrayaan-I orbiter.

ISRO’s Chandrayaan-I, already in lunar orbit and NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), scheduled to launch later this month would be maneuvered to orbit simultaneously over the lunar poles, and the data from the both spacecrafts’ radar instruments would be shared and exchanged. Details of the collaboration are still being worked out, but officials hope to finalize the plans within a month.

Artist concept of Chandrayaan-1 orbiting the moon. Credit: ISRO
Artist concept of Chandrayaan-1 orbiting the moon. Credit: ISRO

The master plan for the experiment was developed Paul Spudis of the Lunar and Planetary Institute of Houston, who also led the team of US scientists in the Chandrayaan-I project.

“Our experiment should answer first the broad questions about the existence of lunar polar ice, its extent and purity,” Spudis wrote in his paper published in Lunar and Planetary Science journal.

As the first step, on May 19 ISRO scientists shifted Chandrayaan-I to a new orbit 200 km away, lifting it from the 100 km orbit it had been in previously.

“In contrast to some recent claims, this debate is still open and nothing has occurred in the last few years to cause participants in the debate to abandon their positions,” Spudis wrote in an article for the National Space Society in 2006. “No single piece of evidence for lunar ice is decisive, but I think the preponderance of evidence indicates that water ice exists in permanently dark areas near the poles.”

Finding ice in the moon’s polar region would be significant in many respects. The ice could be an abundant water source for future colonists on the moon, as well as being used for producing propellants. However, Spudis said that although polar ice is important, it is not a requirement to successfully live and work on the Moon.

Additionally, any ice on the moon would hold clues to the evolution of the solar system, as the water was likely the product of comets that crashed onto the moon over a billion years ago.

Sources: Bharat Chronicle, NSS

Catching Up With Comet Yi-SWAN

Comet Yi-SWAN Rough Locator Chart - April 14/16


Now that the Moon is out of the early evening sky, far northern observers are out in force hunting down Comet C/2009 Yi-SWAN… and it’s there! In 10X50 binoculars it appears like a very faint, small globular cluster, but definitely has the signature of a comet in a 4.5″ telescope. Surprisingly enough, it’s not very hard to find. Would you like a hand?

First use the rough locator chart that I’ve provided for you at the beginning of this article to get you in the right area. Don’t forget that Cassiopeia is circumpolar and you will need to orient the map according to its position at the time you view it. Rather than confuse you further – just remember as the days pass that Yi-SWAN’s trajectory will take it slowly towards the left hand side of the chart. Here is a close up look at where it will appear in a magnitude 8 filtered field of stars on the night of April 15.

Comet Yi-SWAN Locator Chart April 15
Comet Yi-SWAN Locator Chart April 15

At this point I personally have not observed any tail, nor has any of my co-observers. By using the de-focusing method, we estimate the Comet Yi-SWAN to be right at its 8.5 magnitude mark, totally diffuse and no sign of a bright nucleus at this time. We’d be interested in hearing your observations, too!

Best of luck…

New Comet Yi-SWAN

Are you ready for the new kid on the block? Its name is Comet Yi-SWAN and it’s not going to be very long before it’s easily within range of small telescopes and larger binoculars. So where is it at? Head out to the early morning skies for your best look, because it’s rockin’ with the Queen – Cassiopeia.

Discovered photographically by Korean amateur astronomer, Dae-am Yi, on March 26th – word didn’t reach the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT) at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts until after it had been independently picked up on SWAN images by professional astronomer, Rob Matson, on April 4. (Now why doesn’t that surprise me?) However, once CBAT astronomers realized that both reports were for the same object, it officially took on the name Comet Yi-SWAN (C/2009 F6).

Right now the new comet is traveling in a highly inclined parabolic orbit, moving slowly across the constellation of Cassiopeia toward Perseus. While Comet Yi-SWAN is currently only a few arc minutes in size and averaging about 8.5 magnitude, it’s going to be very difficult to spot because of the moonlight. However, if you’re interested in catching the latest visitor from the Oort cloud, you just might want to try on Saturday evening, April 11 when Yi-SWAN will be located less than half a degree south of Alpha Cassiopeiae. If you’re clouded out? Try again on Thursday, April 23-24 when it will pass south of NGC 884 and NGC 869 (the “Double Cluster”).

Happy Hunting!!

NASA image on this page is archival and does NOT represent Comet Yi-SWAN or its position. It is strictly for illustratory purposes.

Was the Tunguska Fireball a Comet Chemical Bomb?

It was an energetic event that occurred over Tunguska, but what caused it? (Don Davis)

[/caption]Over a century ago, on June 30th, 1908 a huge explosion detonated over an unpopulated region of Russia called Tunguska. It is probably one of the most enduring mysteries of this planet. What could cause such a huge explosion in the atmosphere, with the energy of a thousand Hiroshima atomic bombs, flattening a forest the area of Luxembourg and yet leaving no crater? It is little wonder that the Tunguska event has become great material for science fiction writers; how could such a huge blast, that shook the Earth’s magnetic field and lit up the Northern Hemisphere skies for three days leave no crater and just a bunch of flattened, scorched trees?

Although there are many theories as to how the Tunguska event may have unfolded, scientists are still divided over what kind of object could have hit the Earth from space. Now a Russian scientist believes he has uncovered the best answer yet. The Earth was glanced by a large comet, that skipped off the upper atmosphere, dropping a chunk of comet material as it did so. As the comet chunk heated up as it dropped through the atmosphere, the material, packed with volatile chemicals, exploded as the biggest chemical explosion mankind had ever seen…

12,000 years ago, a large object smashed into North America, causing global destruction. Dust and ash was released into the atmosphere, triggering global cooling and possibly causing the extinction of a number of large mammals around this time. The Tunguska event was of a similar energy to that catastrophic impact, but fortunately for us, Tunguska had a benign effect on the world. It simply exploded high in the atmosphere, flattened a region of Russia and vaporized.

Significantly, the energy of the chemical explosion is substantially lower than the kinetic energy of the body,” says Edward Drobyshevski of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St Petersburg, who has published his research into the Tunguska event. The fact that the Tunguska explosion energy is lower than what is expected of the kinetic energy of an object that hit the Earth from space is key to his work. Drobyshevski therefore concludes that the event must have been caused not by an asteroid or whole comet, it was actually caused by a fragment of comet material that fell off as the main cometary body skipped off the Earth’s upper atmosphere. This means that the Earth was hit on a tangent and the fragment dropped comparatively slowly toward the surface.

Sounds reasonable so far, but how did the fragment explode? Using our new understanding as to what chemicals comets contain, Drobyshevski surmises the fragment was rich in hydrogen peroxide. This is where the magic happened. The explosion was not due to a rapid release of kinetic energy, it was in fact a hydrogen peroxide bomb. As the fragment descended, it heated up. As the reactive chemicals in the material got hot, they explosively disassociated to form oxygen and water, ripping the fragment apart. The Tunguska event was therefore a huge chemical bomb and not a “regular” comet-hits-Earth impact.

An interesting study. Not content with dropping asteroids on our planet, the Universe has started throwing hydrogen peroxide explosives at us too. Whatever next?

Source: The Physics arXiv Blog

Comet Lulin Approaches M44 and Eskimo Nebula

Comet Lulin and Saturn in Parallel Vision by Jukka Metsavainio


Have you ever wondered what it would be like to step into space and have a look at solar system objects in aspect? While we can view interesting and inspiring events like Comet Lulin’s recent conjunction with Saturn, what we can’t quite get our brains to wrap around it how it would appear in dimension. Thanks to some “magic” by Jukka Metsavainio and some of his own outstanding astrophotography – now we can…

Like all our our “stereo” image produced for UT by Jukka Metsavainio, two versions are presented here. The one above is parallel vision – where you relax your eyes and when you are a certain distance from the monitor screen the two images will merge into one to produce a 3D version. The second – which appears below – is crossed vision. This is for those who have better success crossing their eyes to form a third, central image where the dimensional effect occurs. In this case, Jukka had the opportunity to photograph Comet Lulin during its recent conjuntion with Saturn and he was willing to share the view in a visualization of how the pair would have appeared in binoviewers – or if you were able to see them with both eyes from space! Ready to get crossed? Then let’s go….

Comet Lulin and Saturn in Cross Vision by Jukka Metsavainio
Comet Lulin and Saturn in Cross Vision by Jukka Metsavainio

After having just viewed Comet Lulin a few hours before seeing this image, I knew I just had to share. Thanks to the comet’s unique position along our ecliptic plane, the pleasure of catching it in the eyepiece with other telescopic objects isn’t over yet. For observers in the United States, on March 6, this Thursday evening, Comet Lulin will pass 2 degrees south of the Beehive Star Cluster, M44. On Saturday, March 14, Lulin will pass only 15 arc minutes (half the moon’s apparent diameter) away from the Eskimo Nebula, NGC 2392. But don’t think you have to live in the US to see it!

As with all conjunction events, your position and timing on Earth will play an important role on where the comet will appear in relation to the object. For example, for observers in the UK, Lulin may be to M44’s southeast – while the west coast of Canada will see it to the southwest. The same is true of latitude as well – your variation here on Earth will give an equal variation on Comet Lulin’s positon against the celestial sphere. But, don’t go crazy trying to worry about its exact position. Two degrees is a lot of sky and chances are no matter when you view on March 6, you’ll catch it in (or near) the same binocular field as the Beehive.

In the meantime? Enjoy this incredible look at Comet Lulin and Saturn… It’s a tasty treat!

Comet Lulin Video – Watch the Outgassing Process

Roughly 38 million miles from Earth and traveling at a relative velocity of 140,000 miles per hour, the speedy Comet C/2007 N3 Lulin has caught our imaginations in a big way during the beginning months of the International Year of Astronomy. Right now, Comet Lulin has already sped past the Sun, slipped by stately Saturn from our point of view and is on a parabolic trajectory heading out from our solar system. This means it will never come back… Continue reading “Comet Lulin Video – Watch the Outgassing Process”

How To See Comet Lulin

Comet Lulin on Feb. 22, taken by John Nassr, Baguio, Philippines, via

We’ve received a few emails asking for more information about how to attempt to observe Comet Lulin. And Sky and Telescope has put out a great primer for seeing this green smudgeball in North America. Right now is the optimum time to try and see it. Sky and Telescope editor-in-chief Robert Naeye says Lulin should be at its best from Feb. 23 through the 28th. “In a very dark, unpolluted, natural night sky — such as few people see any more — the comet is dimly visible to the unaided eye,” writes Naeye. “Even in a more light-polluted suburban sky, however, a good pair of binoculars will do the trick. But you have to know exactly where to look.”

Start looking for Lulin after 9:00 pm (your local time) but the view will be better after 10:00 pm.

Here’s a star chart from

And here’s the info from S&T:

Lulin's path.  Credit:
Lulin's path. Credit:

“It shows the starry view high in the east-southeast in mid-evening. You should have no trouble spotting the planet Saturn and the star Regulus in the constellation Leo. They’re the two brightest things in the area.

“Using those as your guide, aim at the point on the comet’s path that’s labeled with the current date. The comet’s position is indicated for the evening hours on each date for the time zones of the Americas. The orientation of the scene with respect to the horizon is drawn for North America.

“You’re looking for a very dim, biggish, slightly oval cotton-puff floating among the tiny pinpoint stars. Look carefully, and you may detect the spike of the comet’s “anti-tail” pointing toward the lower left. The comet’s regular tail is actually dimmer, and it points in almost the opposite direction. In binoculars the whole thing looks more gray than greenish; to see color you need more light. In a large amateur telescope, the color and the comet’s structure are a lot more clearly visible.

“I saw it out my bathroom window with 10-by-50 binoculars,” says Alan MacRobert, a senior editor of Sky & Telescope. “It’s pretty plain if you get aimed at exactly the right spot.”

For more about Comet Lulin, its discovery, the reason for its two tails, check out Universe Today’s previous articles: one by Tammy about Lulin’s twisty tails, and one by Nancy, “Comet Lulin is on the Way!”.

Check out’s posting of pictures of Lulin from astronomers from all over the world.