
Astronauts are Practicing Lunar Operations in New Space Suits

Through the Artemis Program, NASA will send astronauts to the lunar surface for the first time since 1972. While the…

8 months ago

NASA Wants Heavy Cargo Landers for the Moon

The Artemis Program represents NASA's effort to return to the Moon. One of the goals of the project is to…

8 months ago

Lunar Explorers Could Run to Create Artificial Gravity for Themselves

Few things in life are certain. But it seems highly probable that people will explore the lunar surface over the…

9 months ago

Artemis Astronauts Will Deploy New Seismometers on the Moon

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, Apollo astronauts set up a collection of lunar seismometers to detect possible Moon quakes.…

10 months ago

NASA Reveals its Planetary Science Goals for Artemis III

If all goes well, NASA's Artemis III mission will bring humans back to the Moon as early as 2026, the…

11 months ago

Northrup Grumman is Studying How to Build a Railway on the Moon

Roughly two years and six months from now, as part of NASA's Artemis III mission, astronauts will set foot on…

11 months ago

What’s the Best Way to Pack for Space?

Packing to go to space is a lot like getting ready for a plane ride with only a carry-on bag.…

11 months ago

New Study Addresses how Lunar Missions will Kick up Moondust.

Before the end of this decade, NASA plans to return astronauts to the Moon for the first time since the…

11 months ago

NASA Tests the New Starship Docking System

The Apollo Program delivered 12 American astronauts to the surface of the Moon. But that program ended in 1972, and…

12 months ago

Engineers Design Habitats for the Moon Inspired by Terminite Mounds

Through the Artemis Program, NASA intends to send astronauts back to the Moon for the first time since the Apollo…

12 months ago