Watch the Crescent Moon Occult Spica for North America Early Wednesday Morning

Spica reemerges from behind the Moon Wednesday morning. Credit: Stellarium.

One of the best bright star lunar occultations for 2024 occurs this week, as the Moon covers Spica.

Have you ever seen the Moon blot out a star? If the weather cooperates, early morning viewers across eastern North America have a chance to see a rare spectacle, as the crescent Moon occults (covers) the bright star Spica.

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How Scientists Repurposed a Camera on ESA’s Mars Express Mission

A full-disk view of Mars, courtesy of VMC. Credit: ESA

A camera aboard the Mars Express orbiter finds a new lease on life.

Sometimes, limitations can lead to innovation. A recent paper highlights how researchers are utilizing the VMC (Visual Monitoring Camera) aboard the European Space Agency’s (ESA) venerable Mars Express orbiter.

The work is a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the University of the Basque Country.

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Is an ‘Off-Year’ Leonid Outburst in the Cards For November?

The 1999 Leonids seen from NASA's airborne Leonid MAC campaign. Credit: NASA/Ames Research/ISAS/Shinsuke Abe/Hajime Yuno.

There are good reasons to keep an eye on the Leonid meteors this year.

It’s still one of the coolest things I ever saw. I was in the U.S. Air Force in the 90s, and November 1998 saw me deployed to the dark skies of Kuwait. That trip provided an unexpected treat, as the Leonid meteors hit dramatic storm levels on the morning of the 17th. Meteor came fast and furious towards local sunrise, often lighting up the desert floor like celestial photoflashes in the sky.

Once every 33 years or so, the ‘lion roars,’ as Leonid meteors seem to rain down from the Sickle asterism of the constellation Leo. And while the last outbreak was centered around the years surrounding 1999, there’s some interesting discussion about possible encounters with past Leonid streams in 2024.

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CODEX Coronagraph Heads to the ISS on Cargo Dragon

CODEX calibration.

A new space-based telescope aims to address a key solar mystery.

A new experiment will explore a region of the Sun that’s tough to see from the surface of the Earth. The solar corona—the elusive, pearly white region of the solar atmosphere seen briefly during a total solar eclipse—is generally swamped out by the dazzling Sun. Now, the Coronal Diagnostic Experiment (CODEX) will use a coronagraph to create an ‘artificial eclipse’ in order to explore the poorly understood middle corona region of the solar atmosphere.

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Amazing Reader Views of Comet A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS From Around the World

Comet A3 Tsuchinshan- ATLAS on September 28th, over the McMath-Pierce Solar Telescope at Kitt Peak, Arizona. Credit: Rob Sparks.

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS survived perihelion to become a fine dusk object for northern hemisphere observers.

It was an amazing month for astronomy. Not only were we treated to an amazing second solar storm for 2024 that sent aurorae as far south as the Caribbean, but we had a fine naked eye comet: C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS.

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Death of a Comet: S1 Didn’t Survive its Sungrazing Plummet

Jaeger Comet
Comet S1 ATLAS from October 19th. Credit: Michael Jaeger and Gerald Rhemann.

Sungrazer C/2024 S1 ATLAS broke apart at perihelion.

Alas, a ‘Great Halloween Comet’ was not to be. The Universe teased us just a bit this month, with the potential promise of a second naked eye comet in October: C/2024 S1 ATLAS. Discovered on the night of September 27th by the Asteroid Terrestrial Last-alert impact System (ATLAS) all-sky survey, this inbound comet was surprisingly bright and active for its relative distance from the Sun at the time of discovery. This gave the comet the potential to do what few sungrazers have done: survive a blisteringly close perihelion passage near the Sun.

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China’s ‘Thousand Sails’ Joins Starlink as the Latest Mega-Satellite Constellation in Orbit


With ‘Thousand Sails,’ China joins the race to fill up Low Earth Orbit with mega-satellite constellations.

It’s getting crowded up there in Low Earth orbit (LEO). By now, flocks of Starlinks have become a familiar sight, and the bane of astrophotographers as the ‘vermin of the skies.’ Now, several new competitors have joined the fray, with more waiting in the wings.

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Review: Unistellar’s New Odyssey Pro Smart Telescope

Odyssey Pro
Odyssey Pro. Credit: Unistellar

Unistellar’s new Odyssey Pro telescope offers access to deep-sky astrophotography in a small portable package.

Access to the night sky has never been simpler. The last half decade has seen a revolution in backyard astronomy, as ‘smartscopes’—telescopes controlled by smartphone applications—have come to the fore. These offer an easy entry into basic deep sky astrophotography even from bright urban skies, albeit at a higher price point versus traditional telescopes on the market. We’ve reviewed units from Vaonis and Unistellar before, as well as wrote commentary on the rise of the whole smartscope movement. Now, Unistellar has a new entry on the market in 2024: the Odyssey Pro.

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Could a New Sungrazer Comet Put on a Show at the End of October?

Comet W3 Lovejoy imaged from the ISS after perihelion in 2011. Credit: NASA

Could this be the next great comet? To be sure, these words have been said lots of times before. In a clockwork sky, how comets will perform is always the great wildcard. Comets from Kohoutek to ISON have failed to live up to expectations, while others like W3 Lovejoy took us all by surprise. But a discovery this past weekend has message boards abuzz, as an incoming sungrazer could put on a show right around Halloween.

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An October Annular Solar Eclipse Rounds Out 2024

The 'Horns of the Sun' rise from the Atlantic during the June 10th, 2021 annular solar eclipse. Credit: Michael Zeiler

A remote annular solar eclipse bookends the final eclipse season for 2024.

The final eclipse of the year is almost upon us. If skies are clear, a few lucky observers and intrepid eclipse-chasers will get to witness the passage of the Moon in front of the Sun one last time on Wednesday, October 2nd during an annular solar eclipse.

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