Help Wish Buzz Aldrin a Happy 80th Birthday

Aldrin turns 80 years old on January 20th, 2010. Happy birthday, Buzz! Image Credit:NASA” src=”×435.jpg” alt=”” width=”580″ height=”435″ />On January 20th, former astronaut Buzz Aldrin – who was the second man to walk on the Moon and has been a longtime advocate of space exploration – will turn 80 years old. Wouldn’t you like to send him some birthday wishes? Well, you can! The Planetary Society is collecting birthday wishes to be put on a “ginormous card” honoring his 80th trip around the Sun. Originally, the card was to be presented at a ceremony where Stephen Hawking would also receive the Planetary Society’s Cosmos Award, but Hawking has been advised by his doctors to refrain from flying to California for the event.

The birthday card, which already has birthday wishes from people around the world, will still be presented to Buzz Aldrin, so be sure to go wish him a happy birthday using this link.

Source: The Planetary Society blog

2 Replies to “Help Wish Buzz Aldrin a Happy 80th Birthday”

  1. Happy birthday you hoaxer punching, rap rapping, real moonwalking ol’ geazer you!

    umm, dunno where that came from.

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