What's Up This Week - Apr 25 - May 1, 2005
Greetings, fellow SkyWatchers! This week we'll learn how to observe the Hubble Space telescope, locate and study the M3, and be on hand for three minor meteor showers. There will be plenty of deep sky to explore as we locate the M101, M67, and the Large Magellanic Cloud. Mercury and Venus both return this week, and Mars leads the way to Neptune. The Moon provides some excitement as it occults Antares for Europe - as well as two bright stars for other observers - and tilts its north our way for some extreme craters. Had enough yet? Good. There's history to learn and I'm not about to let you go before you've located comet 9P/Temple 1. So grab those telescopes and binoculars, and head out under the dark skies...Because here's what's up!
Fraser Cain